Tagging has not just become popular – tagging is often described as a very important concept to enable a successful transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 (whatever both of these terms may actually mean to Joe Public). There are a lot of interesting discussions about multi language tags and geographic tags already – at the moment, I’m quite interested in practical applications of temporal tags. Consider temporal tags as tags with some kind of time stamp. There could be temporal tags for birthdays and other calender events – tags could also be generated based on weather reports. Or how about tagging a big sale in a local store – tagging a scheduled airline flight with „cheap seats“ – but only as long as there are actually still cheap seats left…. I think this may have some interesting applications in location based services applications – combine it with the geo bit and you can think up all sorts of cool Google Earth applications or Google Maps and Virtual Earth mash-ups, which could display spatio-temporal information based on an analysis of geo tags and temporal-tags. Geotagging ourselves as fit or exhausted based on a just-in-time analysis of our heart rate monitoring device with the information from the device automatically generating tags and and feeding them straight into the web to let all the people know that, on my daily run, I’m on my last leg 2km away from home – the ultimate exhibitionism, tagged for the Web 3.0 world right in place. Hold on – would I be tagging myself then? More thinking and research to be done before this can go into production…