Today, I am getting 55.000 hits for a „google killer“ search using Google. The same search on Microsoft even brings up 64.800 results – wonder if this is a surprise, coincidence or evil. Currently, there is a lot of discussion about the Web, the Web 2.0 and 3.0 and whatever else lies ahead and may become the next big thing. Ever since Spencer Johnson told us that the cheese is moving, and Clayton Christensen explained how disruptive innovations and technologies change the rules of the game, there seems to be a pleasant or not so pleasant anticipation for seeing what or who will make Google’s giant cheese station move. Or is it already gone, since I couldn’t actually find it any more. You can read about some of the potential Google killers here or here or here …
After we were already the person of the year 2006, maybe THE Google killer will be us! Why? Because we may rely less and less on Google to find stuff – because we know other places to better meet our special and diverse – or not so diverse information needs. Or we may find better tools to help us solve problems or spend our Online leisure time at other places. I would not be surprised to see some tough battles ahead to defend the huge Planet Google territory. The more fingers in the pies, the more places you need to show excellence.