Improv sledging

We were actually just going for an easy walk when we found this awesome sledge smashed behind some trees. Got it out, did some magic to it and wow – there it is – ready to be patented. That’s where a little wood engineering comes in handy… Requires some skills to get it going and keep sitting on it 🙂


The further you lean backwards, the faster the thing goes and the more fun … until you hit that tipping point, where it starts to scare you – then, well – then you kind of loose your faith, you loose your coordination and that’s it then – gone you are – falling off the damn thing, trying to protect yourself while tumbling through the snow.


… and that’s all that there is left after a decent crash – too bad we didn’t have any proper nails or screws or even just a piece of string to repair the little rocket – ah well – next time we’ll be back with more tools, more faith and more fractures!


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